Saturday, March 7, 2009

Blog Income Report - February

Last month I set goal $500 but this has been exceeded significantly. On total blog income reached $692. I didn't have time for posting but still earnings and traffic grew. Still most of the income comes from my one flagship blog. My plan is to extent blog earnings also to other blogs and not to be dependent only on one website.

As you can see nothing new in terms of income source. Still leading sources are INO and Google Adsense. In INO I had 2 referral sales and some commission from free stuff.

For next month I am putting target to stay above $500.

Here are detailed statistics:
Google Adsense $193.17 ($238.59)
INO $375.53 ($210.53)
Forbes Blogs Network $9.11 ($2.13)
Direct sales $115 ($154.7)
Amazon Associates $0 ($1.49)

Total $692.81 ($607.44)